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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Morang lise in Koshi zone of Nepal.It is in Eastern part of our country Nepal.Many people wish to go there because of the available of the green forest as  well as there are suitable of growing varies items of the plants.All the land ares are very good for cultivation.So people have been growing paddy,corn, mustard and many more things in morang.So it is the dreaming place of all the Nepalese people.Moreover it is the place where people get green vegetables,fruits,and many medicinal plants in morang.So people are enjoying in eating fresh as wel as

chamber of industries,morang

morang marchants'association


Since its inception, the association has been involved in various social activities such as the construction of Maternity ward and Emergency ward of Tribhuvan Memorial Koshi Anchal Hospital, Janta Law Campus, and Ghinaghat Birat chowk road. Similarly it has been providing support during natural disasters, financial support towards sports, literacy and religious activities.


The Association has been managing a Charitable homeopathy clinic at its premises since B.S. 2021. The Clinic has been providing treatment to patients from both Nepal and India.


With the expansion of its activities and with the proliferation of small market-towns in the district, the Association has opened its branches in Rangeli, Pathari, Urlabari, Letang and Indrapur. More such branches will be opened as and where needed .

district profile

Morang is one of the six districts of eastern zone Koshi. This district has different importance in Nepali history. This district has played vital role from Mahavarat to the popular movements for Nepal's democracy. Not only that, this district has a name as a first and largest industrialized district of Nepal. There is no other district of Nepal which has given as many Prime Ministers for the country as this district. Biratnagar is the district headquarters of Morang.

The word Morang came from Marian of the time of ancient king Hang. During the hideouts of Pandavas they stayed here in Biratnagar, when King Birat use to rule this place.
Geographic Condition
Jhapa Ilam
Dhankuta Panchthar
India's Bihar
20◦20" North to 26◦ 53" North
87◦ 15" East to 87◦ 41" East

Political and Administrative Division
Development region
District Headquarter
Administrative Area
Village Development Committee
Sub Metropolitan City
Village Development Committee in hilly  area

Hot & Moderate
Yearly Rainfall 
Maximum Temperature Recorded
Minimum Temperature Recorded
15158 mm.
42◦ Celsius
3◦ Celsius

Total Population
Population Growth Rate
Life Expectancy
Percentage of Urban Population 
Percentage of Rural Population
56.5 years
Labour And Employment
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Dedicated to protect rights & regulations of industries along with contribution to the development of industrial sectors and to identify problems and hence solutions related to industries, issuing Certificate of Origin, and conduct promotional activities like Training, Workshop, Seminar and Talk Programs.”)

Chamber of Industries, Morang has successfully portrayed itself as a perfect representative of all Private Sectors in Purbanchal Development Region. Its mission is summarized below:

1. Safeguard the rights of all member organizations of the chamber; provide help and assistant in development and sustainability by solving their problems.

2. Develop national and international business, coordinate and regulate different activities establishing cooperation among the industries of the region.

3. Establishing coordination among other related national and international organization, association or cooperation to exchange thoughts and ideas to conserve and promote business and industrial sector.

4. Promote trade and commerce by establishing mutual cooperation with national and international associations, institutions, agencies and local agencies and to encourage such activities.

5. Provide advisory services in formulation and execution of business and industry related policies, procedure, acts and programs.

6. Effective involvement to provide solutions if dispute arises related to industry or commerce and labor.

7. Encourage members to participate in industrial meeting, conference, symposium and seminar in local, national and international levels and also work as an organizer and promoter of such events.

8. Establish branch offices to safeguard the rights and authorities of industries.

9. Provide and disseminate latest information regarding industry and commerce to all industrialists and to help them in recognizing themselves as well resourced organization in the field of information.

10. Uplift the society in financial and social terms by industrial development and organizing different programs for the conservation and promotion of industry and business.

11. Establishing sister ship relation for uplifting local chamber’s activity through financial help and program.


1. Conduct programs & workshop on topics like Industrial Management, Leadership development, Role of Membership, Recognition of financial sources and Development of effective secretariat in coordination with HMG and other private local agencies.

2. Strategy formulation for unified development of industries and getting involved in such programs.

3. Provide advisory services to HMG on moral industrial issues and help in reforming and executing business and industrially related policies, procedure, acts and programs.

4. Strategy formulation and establishment of separate unit for the integral development of the sector.

5. Depicting proper industrial sector and encouraging industrialists and business personalities for investing in such areas through various programs.

6. Play influential role in the development of trade and commerce and proper promotion.

7. Establishing relationship with various national and international agencies and creating a separate unit for collection, processing and dissemination of up-dated information to industrialists, professionals and others from a single platform.

8. Establishing in top rank in the Nepal chambers movement.


To promote member industries, develop national and international trade & commerce, to achieve quality objectives, make necessary co-ordination among industrial sectors.

1. To co-ordinate among organizations and federations.

2. To protect industrial rights for mutual helps among national, international and local authorities.

3. To analyze and suggest annual policies, rules, plans for related member industries.

4. To participate actively in any conflict among industries and labor problem.

5. To organize regional, national & International seminar, talk program & workshop.

6. To open branch offices in all over Nepal if required for the protection of industries.

7. To flow information to the associated members and secretari

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


KARANAYIL DEVASTHANAM SREE VISHNUMAYA KUTTICHATHAN SWAMY TEMPLE Is The Traditional Vishnumaya Kuttichathan Seva Temple In Kerala.Here devotees will find relief from their Sorrows and Lord Vishnumaya Swamy will showering Blessings And Prospirty to his Devotees Irrespective Of Cast Creed Or Religion.Lord Sree Vishnumaya Will give immediate solutions for his devotees problems those who are giving poojas and special offering to the lord, as lord sree vishnumaya kuttichathan swamy is known as the supreme power in kaliyuga.Performing special poojas to lord vishnumaya swamy will gives you Incredible increase in wealth, Hike in profession and business,Get desired things done immediately,Removel of black magic and black power effects,Elimination of the enemies,etc.Whatever complicated matters disturbing in your life can be solved by performing poojas and giving offerings to lord vishnumaya kuttichathan swamy. Devotees can feel the differences in their life after performing poojas and giving offerings to lord Vishnumaya Kuttichathan swamy.

IT is easy to solve all the problems if you can find the root cause of the problems.Here you can tell about your problems to vishnumaya swamy at the time of Niyogam. The presence of Lord Sree Vishnumaya is felt in the Priest in the dancing form is known as niyogam.At these times you will get a stright advice from the lord about the problems and which poojas will gives you permanent solution for your problems and doshams.Niyogam starts every day at 12.00 noon.Those who are unable to come for niyogan can inform about Their problems to devasthanathipathi (chief priest) by phone,He will tell about your problems directly to the lord at the time of niyogan and after the niyogam details and solutions for your problems will inform to you.The lord vishnumaya swamy needs special poojas to get desiored things done and the removel of the doshams for his devotees, Here at karanayil devasthanam we are performing very old and secret pooja manthras and powerful thantrika karmas to get immediate solutions for their problems with the blessings of lord vishnumaya kuttichathan swamy, after performing poojas we will send the prasadam and pooja details to devotees address through postel or courier

Get Your Vehicle Ready Before Hitting The Road

Before you take to the road take the time to check fluid levels, the radiator and cooling system, the battery, give your car a service and tune and pay particular attention to tyres and brakes.

Whether you own a brand new car or an older model doesn’t matter, the safety checks before travelling remain the same.

Be guided by what’s in your vehicle handbook for basic checks but if you have any doubts, get a professional to look at it.

Simple actions such as keeping windows, particularly windscreens, clean to maximise vision could be vital when driving towards on-coming headlights or a low sun.

Check your windscreen wipers and change blades if damaged or more than 12 months old, and top up your windscreen washer bottle and if necessary, clean and re-aim washer jets using a needle.

Research found that tyres – a key factor in vehicle safety – were often neglected with one in five cars on Victoria’s roads found to have at least one tyre that was unroadworthy.

Half the drivers surveyed were also unaware of how to properly check the condition of their tyres.

We cannot stress enough how crucial tyres are to a car’s safety performance as they support almost every function of a vehicle’s motion.

Every time you drive you wear your tyres down but having incorrect tyre pressure will escalate the wear and tear and put you, and your passengers, at risk.

Always check your pressure when your tyres are cold, including the spare tyre. Recommended minimum tyre pressures are listed on a plate inside the driver’s door jamb or glove box.

It’s also important to ensure that you get a good night’s rest before heading off on holidays during this busy period.

Once your car is checked, packed and ready to go, keep in mind that cars won’t be the only things on the road. Extreme drought conditions last summer contributed to a significant increase in the number of drivers colliding with animals on Victorian roads, according to insurance claims data.

The figures show there were 3839 motor insurance claims as a result of crashes involving animals in the past financial year to June 30, a 13 per cent increase on the previous year.

Many of these crashes were the result of animals, particularly kangaroos, which had been forced by the drought to search for food by the roadside or close to urban areas.

According to the data, kangaroos accounted for 72 per cent (2766) of animal collisions last year, which was 17 per cent more than for the previous year, with a repair cost of more than $8 million.

This was followed by dogs at 9 per cent (330), wombats 6 per cent (215) and cats 2 per cent (84).

It is clear from our members claims incidents that the major areas to look out for kangaroos are Heathcote, Bendigo, Seymour and Halls Gap but, as the city expands, also in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, such as South Morang, as they move closer to urban areas in search of food.

Crashing into a medium to large sized kangaroo, can cause not only serious vehicle damage, but also injure the driver and passengers.

Drivers need to look out for animals on our roads at all times, but particularly when driving in country areas at dawn and dusk when they are most active.

Animals can be unpredictable near roads, particularly when they are dazzled by headlights.

The data shows that the number of claims peaks in the spring (1239 claims), with the highest percentage of accidents in October at 11.3 per cent. Claims numbers are at their lowest in winter (809 claims).

Vehicles damaged in animal collisions can also cost a significant amount to repair with an average claim costing more than $3000.